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Administration & monitoring

The Administration & Monitoring section provides quick access to Retarus Cloud products through dedicated navigation buttons.


Available services

  • Email Security
    Manage email security settings, policies, and monitoring.

  • Transactional Email
    Access tools for managing transactional email services.

  • SMS
    Configure and monitor SMS messaging services.

  • Fax
    Manage cloud fax services, including settings and usage reports.

  • EDI
    Access electronic data interchange (EDI) tools and configurations.

Access methods

Click any service button to access its respective dashboard. Alternatively, use the corresponding options in the main menu ribbon.

Email Security example

Clicking Email Security takes you to the Email Security dashboard, which provides statistical overview of various parameters, such as:

  • Inbound and outbound emails

  • Deleted viruses

  • Prevented frauds

  • Spam emails

Dashboard data is only displayed for services that you have subscribed to.


Once on a dashboard, you can explore all available functionality through:

  • Interactive elements directly on the dashboard (charts, statistics, action buttons).

  • Product-specific menus in the left navigation pane, which appears after selecting the product. These menus provide access to detailed features, settings, and reports specific to the selected product.

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