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Left navigation pane

The sidebar is a vertical menu located on the left-hand side of the interface, providing access to key portal sections.


Default homepage navigation

Navigation item


Retarus Logo

Serves as a branding element and acts as a shortcut to return to the homepage.


Returns you to the homepage, displaying an overview of services, system status, and news.

Documentation Center

Redirects you to the Product Documentation Center containing a comprehensive library of resources, guides, and documentation for Retarus products.


Provides detailed updates, announcements, and relevant information.

Security Center

Takes you to the page with powerful tools for threat prevention and analysis.

See Security Center for more information.


Allows you to access help resources, submit support tickets, or contact the Retarus support team.


Links to the official Retarus contact page where you can find global contact information, office locations, and various ways to contact Retarus representatives.


Toggles the left navigation pane to show only icons (minimized) or icons with names (maximized).

Dynamic navigation

The sidebar navigation is context-sensitive and updates based on the selected product in the main menu ribbon. When you click on a specific service (EMAIL SECURITY, TRANSACTIONAL EMAIL, SMS, FAX, or EDI), the navigation pane updates to display service-specific options.

Email Security example

  • Dashboard
    Overview of email security status and key metrics

  • Search
    Tools for searching and filtering email messages

  • Administration
    Configuration and management of email security settings

  • Reporting
    Access to detailed reports and analytics


Available navigation items/features may vary depending on your subscription level and user permissions. Refer to the relevant product guides for details of these additional features.

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