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Main menu ribbon

The main menu ribbon is located at the top of the page and provides quick access to different Retarus services and user-specific controls.


Located on the left side, you can access the following product-specific tabs:

    Manage email security settings, policies, and monitoring.

    Access tools for managing transactional email services.

  • SMS
    Configure and monitor SMS messaging services.

  • FAX
    Manage cloud fax services, including settings and usage reports.

  • EDI
    Access electronic data interchange (EDI) tools and configurations.

These left-aligned tabs allow users to seamlessly switch between different myEAS areas.

You can only see product tabs for services included in your subscription.


Menu item


image-20250120-122852.png (Switch customer)

If your account is associated with multiple customer numbers, allows you to switch between different customer accounts.

image-20250120-123646.png Share link

Click to open the Share link dialog, select the image-20250120-123831.png icon to copy the page’s URL, and share the copied link with others to give them direct access to the page.

Only users with proper permissions can access myEAS through a shared link.

image-20250120-124736.png (Notification bell)

Click to open the Share link dialog, select the image-20250120-123831.png icon to copy the page’s URL, and share the copied link with others to give them direct access to the page.

Notifications are divided into two categories:

  • My own
    View notifications triggered by your actions, such as requesting a fax report or downloading the report file.

  • Organization
    View notifications from your entire organization.

Avatar [user_login_name]

Positioned in the top-right corner, this menu displays the logged-in user. Clicking the down arrow next to the user name opens two options:

  • User settings: Takes you to the page where you can configure different user settings.

  • Logout: Ends your current session and returns you to the login page.

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