Recent updates and announcements
The What's New section informs you about the latest updates, features, and releases across Retarus and the EAS platform. The information is categorized into three tabs for easy navigation:
Displays updates from both Retarus and myEAS categories, giving a comprehensive overview of all recent announcements.Retarus
Focuses solely on updates related to Retarus products, services, and innovations.EAS
Filters the content to display updates exclusively about the myEAS platform and its features.

All entries are displayed in descending order of their publication date, with the latest news at the top, and include the following information:
| A brief, descriptive heading summarizing the update. |
| The individual or team who published the announcement. |
| Shows when the update was published (UTC+01:00). |
To view more details about an update, click the dropdown arrow on the right side. This reveals:
A detailed summary (for updates like new blog posts)
Key highlights (for myEAS releases)
For comprehensive information, use the Read more button to access the original source, such as the Retarus website or Product Documentation Center.

Accessing myEAS updates
You can also access a dedicated page for myEAS updates by selecting News in the left navigation pane.

The News page displays myEAS updates in an organized format. Recent announcements appear in a chronological feed on the right sidebar. Select any announcement to view its complete details in the main What's New section.