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Retarus Fax-for-Applications Webservice SOAP Version 3.0 enables the automation of the fax transmission process. It also allows the status of a sent fax to be monitored and archived reports to be deleted. The web service communicates via SOAP 1.1 (document/literal). The web service does not impose any restrictions on the programming language used to implement the web service client.

Fax transmission is generally divided into the following steps:

  • Creating a fax job and sending it to the web service

    • output: Job ID

    • Web service method: sendFaxJob

  • Optional: Retrieve job status (status report: by ID or all available)

    • Output: Status report including delivery status for each recipient

    • Web service methods: getFaxReports, getListOfAvailableFaxReports

    • Alternative: Push service via HTTP or mail receipt

  • Optional: Delete job reports

    • Job data has a configurable retention period, but can be deleted immediately using this method.

    • Web service method: deleteFaxReport

Webservice URL (WSDL)



The Webservice makes the following methods of sending faxes and managing reports on fax transmissions available to the client application:

Method name



Requests the Webservice version


Sends a fax job to the Webservice


Requests available fax job reports


Requests a status report for one or more specific fax jobs


Deletes a status report for a specific fax job

Authentication is required for all methods except getVersionInfo, and requires adding the Login ID and password to the request parameter.

Authentication & Login IDs

All methods (except getVersionInfo) require authentication with a Login ID and password.

Java Sample Code:

JobRequest jobRequest = this.objectFactory.createJobRequest();

// Authentication:

Retarus can configure multiple forms of access (Login IDs) for the Webservice that can be managed via the Retarus EAS Portal. Multiple processes can be operated concurrently by the Webservice using multiple Login IDs, making it possible to have a configuration saved for each process.

The job and report data for one Login ID are not viewable or available in the other access options, which means that a fax job’s status report can only be requested or deleted under the Login ID used to create it.

As an additional layer of security it is possible to restrict access for each Login ID to a pre-defined list of IP addresses and/or subnets (IP address allowlisting). If an account is so configured, all requests coming from IP addresses which are not on the list will be rejected. The configuration of IP address allowlisting is performed in the EAS portal.

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