Fax Live Monitoring
The Fax Live Monitoring function allows real-time tracking of fax jobs currently being processed or have been scheduled to be sent. You also have the option of displaying the fax documents as well as canceling a fax job.
The overview for Fax Live Monitoring is separated into two tables. From the initial general summary table, you can obtain an overview of all jobs currently in the send process:

The monitoring data displayed here comes from an account used solely for demonstration purposes. The status statistics that you will see displayed in your search results will only come from your own account.
The Service column tells you the service utilized to send your fax job. Additional information on the corresponding abbreviations for each service is located in a help text directly under the table.
To view additional details on the jobs currently being sent, click on the icon on the right-hand side of the table in the corresponding row. A table opens that contains an overview of all fax jobs grouped by service. You see exactly when the job was accepted by the Retarus infrastructure (in the Received column and when it is scheduled to be sent by Retarus to the recipient (the Scheduled send time). In addition, you can see how many pages the fax had as well as its resolution and number of recipients. When you click on the Job ID, you can download the fax and either view it or save it locally.

When you drag your mouse over the symbol on the left-hand of the table, you receive additional information about a specific fax job. You can cancel incomplete jobs by clicking on the
symbol on the right-hand side of the table. If, however, you see the
symbol in the corresponding row, the job has already been completed cannot be canceled.