Fax-to-FTP: Metadata file
Fax-to-FTP allows inbound faxes to be received by Retarus and delivered to an organization’s existing business applications or web applications via SFTP/FTP. Retarus places the received faxes on the customer’s FTP server, embedded in XML files including the fax receipt details. Alternatively, the received faxes can be placed on the Retarus FTP server.
Metadata file
The metadata file is optional and contains information such as the fax ID and delivery timestamp. It is created from a Freemarker customer template that contains placeholders taken from the EAS configuration. You can add fields and/or details to the Freemarker template. You have the option to assign the file name from the generated documents and the file will have an .idx
Example metadata file
SENDER.ID=Retarus GmbH
Understanding the RESOLUTION field
The RESOLUTION field describes the resolution of each fax page. In the example above, HHH means that all three pages of the fax have a high resolution. If some pages had a low resolution, the line would show the corresponding combination, such as LHL, indicating that pages 1 and 3 are low resolution while page 2 is high resolution.