Retarus will contact you and provide the following: → The required API credentials to access the Retarus platform. → The URL for the preferred processing region.
By default, the ActFax Connector is configured for the European region.
2. Configure WebFax details on the Actfax Server
In the ActFax management console:
Go to Web Fax Service Properties.
Enter the API credentials in the fields provided.
The system automatically prefills the Customer No. field.
3. Define the region for data processing
By default, ActFax uses the URL of the Retarus European data centers to send faxes and receive job status updates. You can change the URL under Extras - Options - General - Extended Options - External Parameters.
Remember to enter the URL exactly as provided by Retarus, without “https://” at the beginning.
4. Test the configuration
Send a test fax to ensure the ActFax Connector is functioning properly.