Windows registry settings
On 64 bit Windows systems, all entries described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\
are found under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\
Standard Options
"Current Version"="201812" ;internal version number of Fax4Win, Format YYYYMM (Releasedate year & months)
"Application Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Faxolution4Win" ;installation path
"Work Directory"="C:\\ProgramData\\Faxolution4Win\\Temp" ;path for temporary files
"Application Exe"="Faxolution4Win.exe" ;the name of the Faxolution for Windows executable
List of country codes:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Country Codes]
"1268"="Antigua and Barbuda"
"1284"="British Virgin Islands"
List of printer driver files needed by Faxolution for Windows (Fax4Win). The application will test if those files exist on startup.
"Raster DLL"="C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3\UniDrv.dll"
"RasterUI DLL"="C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3\UniDrvUI.dll"
"Dependend File 3"="C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3\UniDrv.hlp"
"Dependend File 4"="URenderPlugIn.dll"
"Monitor DLL"="FaxolutionMon.dll"
"Printer DLL"="Faxolution.gpd"
"Dependend File 1"="C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3\StdNames.gpd"
"Dependend File 2"="C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3\UniRes.dll"
"Dependend File 5"="Faxolution.ini"
"Personal BlackList CopyFileName"="" ;path and filename of a Default-Blacklist file, to be copied and used if no other file Default-Blacklist file already exists
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Server Connection
Settings for connection and mailmerge faxes:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Server Connection]
"Use Proxy"="1" ; 0: no Proxy / 1: use set in Windows' options / 2: custom proxy
"Use Windows Tiff Viewer"=" 1" ;use windows default viewer for TIFF files
"Auto General Reload Interval (Minutes)"="2" ;automatic refresh for the Faxolution for Windows archive view (default: 2 minutes)
"Use Auto General Reload"="1" ;activate automatic refresh
"Show System Tray Info"="2" ;show Fax4Win-Transmitter in Windows' system tray
"Upload Url"="/servlet/de.retarus.faxhub.job.FaxHubJobServlet" ;web-sever path for server requests
"Proxy:Port"="" ;proxy & port for manual proxy configuration
"Individual Tiff Viewer"="" ;custom TIFF file viewer
"Transmitter Hidden"="0" ;hide settings options from Fax4Win-Transmitter in Windows' system tray
"@@Quiet Default"="1" ;ignore errors for mailmerge faxes
"@@Show Days"="1" ;show fax-archive in day-view mode
"Worker Thread Count"="4" ;number of threads for Faxolution for Windows Transmitter
"HTTP Timeout Plus"="100" ;add 100sec additional timeout for server connections
"Host:Port"="" ; from 3.7 on, host & port of the Fax4Win server, can also be a list of hosts/ports (max. 8) separated with ;
"HA Log FileName"="c:\Fax4Win_HALog.txt" ; v3.8.16 Path and FileName for HA Log
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Faxolution Monitor
Settings for printer driver:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Faxolution Monitor]
"Pipe ClientWait"="15000" ;timeout while opening pipe in milliseconds (default:15000ms)
"Skip Driver Check"="0" ;check printer driver installation on Faxolution for Windows startup
"Locale"="de_DE" ;current Faxolution for Windows language
"Current Profile"="Standard Profile" ; current fax profile
"Default Data Dir"="C:\\Users\\PeterM\\Faxolution4Win" ;default data directory for Faxolution for Windows
"Last Version-Info"="71" ;last version check info (set to "-1" to disable version check)
"Do Not Start Transmitter"="1" ; don't start Faxolution for Windows Transmitter on startup (used for debugging purposes only)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Faxolution\Server Connection
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Faxolution\Server Connection]
"Seconds Server Ahead"="0" ;time difference in seconds between Faxolution for Windows client and server
"Proxy Authorization"="NTLM#AQDM0EDMyIXTIZWQ6YQc1UBVkUE5URVRSRUQ" ;proxy authentification mode, username & password (encrypted)
"Host:Port"="" ;from 3.7 on, host & port of the Fax4Win server, can also be a list of hosts/ports (max. 8) separated with ';'
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Standard Profile
These settings are documented for the standard profile, but they can be applied to any profile.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Standard Profile]
"Archive Checked"="1"; faxes have been moved to the archive
"Archive Dir Prefix"="C:\\Users\\PeterM\\Faxolution4Win\\Archive" ;path of the user's fax archive
"Area Code"="" ;default area code
"BillingCode HistoryLen"="5" ;history length for billing codes
"Country Code"="0049" ;default country code
"CSID"="Retarus Faxolution" ;sender ID
"Default BillingCode"="" ;default billing code
"Default Date Format"="dd.MM.yyyy" ;default date format
"Default Rate"="now" ;default transmission time
"Default Resolution"="high" ;default resoultion
"Default Time Format"="HH:mm" ;default time format
"Distribution Lists Dir"="C:\\Users\\PeterM\\Faxolution4Win\\Verteiler" ;path for distribution lists
"Export Report Dir"="C:\\Users\\PeterM\\Faxolution4Win\\Reports" ;path for reports
"Favourite Distribution List"="" ;path & filename of a distribution list,that is automatically loaded for new fax jobs
"Fax Header"="" ;custom fax header
"Fax Images Dir"="C:\\Users\\PeterM\\Faxolution4Win\\Faxe" ;path for fax templates
"Forced Show BITKOM Blacklist"="1" ; show BITKOM BlackList option for countries other than Germany and Austria
"Front Page Dir"="C:\\ProgramData\\Faxolution4Win\\Deckblatt-Vorlagen" ;path of cover pages
"Front Page FileName"="Copertina.rtf" ;filename of default cover page
"Front Page Margins"="10;0;10;10" ;margins for cover page
"Keep at HKEY_CURRENT_USER"="1" ;save settings under HKEY_CURRENT_USER
"Last General Reload"="49079" ;timestamp when the archive view has been refreshed
"License Signed"="S1..." ;Faxolution for Windows license for ths fax profile
"No Fax Header"="2" ;fax header mode
"ODBC_DesColNum"="1" ;index of column for description for ODBC-Import
"ODBC_DSN"="<None>" ;name of the ODBC data source for ODBC-Import
"ODBC_NumColNum"="0" ;index of column for fax number for ODBC-Import
"ODBC_ReadFrom"="0" ;index of the first line to be imported for ODBC-Import
"ODBC_ReadTo"="999" ;index of the last line to be imported for ODBC-Import
"ODBC_TableName"="" ;table name of table to be imported for ODBC-Import
"Overlay File Tray 01"="C:\\Users\\PeterM\\Faxolution4Win\\Faxe\\Seite1.tif" ;path & filename of the 1st cover page
"Overlay File Tray 02"="" ;path & filename of the 2nd cover page
"Overlay File Tray 03"="" ;path & filename of the 3rd cover page
"Overlay File Tray 04"="" ;path & filename of the 4th cover page
"Personal Blacklist FileName"="" ;path & filename of a personal blacklist file
"Scheme"="https" ;protocoll to be used for client-server-communication (might be overwritten by "Host:Port")
"Sender Company"="" ;company name of sender
"Sender Department"="" ;department of the sender **
"Sender EMail"="" ;email of the sender **
"Sender Fax"="" ;fax number of the sender **
"Sender Name"="John Doe" ;first and last name of the sender **
"Sender Phone"="" ;phone number of the sender **
"SendTo"="1" ;Faxolution's SendTo extension has been installed
"SortColumn Archive"="TimeScheduled" ;column name to be used for sorting in Faxolution for Windows
"SortOrder Archive"="0" ;sorting order be be for sorting in Faxolution for Windows
"Text in Toolbar"="1" ;show toolbar buttons text
"Use Area Code"="0" ;don't automatically add area code when missing
"Use BillingCode"="1" ;use billing code
"Use BITKOM Blacklist"="1" ;use BITKOM-Robinsonlist
"Use Front Page"="0" ;don't use a cover page
"Use Overlay Tray Number"="0" ;index of fax template to be used
"Use Overlay"="0" ;don't use a fax template
"Use Personal Blacklist"="0" ;don't use a personal black list
"Default Overlay File"="C:\\Vorlagen\\Logo.tif" ;fax template to be used, if no fax template has been set or if it is set to "choose automatically"
"Mandatory BillingCode"="1" ;users must enter a billing code for a fax job
The settings marked with two stars (*\*
) will only be read from HKEY_CURRENT_USER
If the same fax profile settings should be applied to all users on a computer, those settings can be written below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
and will be used if there’s no setting below HKEY_CURRENT_USER
To set a common fax archive path for all users on a computer, create the following key and value:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Standard Profile]
"Archive Dir Prefix"="C:\\Users\\Public\\Faxolution4Win\\Archive"
Settings to hide options or make them read-only
"Profile Creation Denied"="1" ;deny creation of new fax profiles for a user
"Profile Deletion Denied"="1" ;deny deletion of a fax profile for a user
"Profile Creation Denied"="1" ;deny creation for new fax profiles for all users on a computer
"Profile Deletion Denied"="1" ;deny deletion of a fax profile for all users on a computer
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Standard Profile
These settings are documented for the standard profile but can be applied to any profile.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Standard Profile]
"AccessTab Hidden"="1" ;hide access tab
"BasicsTab FolderNames ReadOnly"="1" ;set directory paths on basic tab to read only
"BillingCode Hidden"="1" ;hide billing code
"BillingTab Hidden"="1" ;hide billing tab
"BlackList Hidden"="1" ;hide blacklist from menu tools
"BlackList In Toolbar Hidden"="1" ;hide button black list
"Express Hidden"="1" ;hide the "Express" transmission option
"Front Page DirName ReadOnly"="1" ;set cover page directory to read only
"License Signed Hidden"="1" ;hide license area
"Options Dialog Hidden"="1" ;hide options from tools menu
"Overlay File Tray 01 ReadOnly"="1" ;hide template buttons
"Profiles Dialog Hidden"="1" ;hide profiles from menu tools
"Resolution Hidden"="1" ;when set to "1" the resolution selection is grayed out, when set to "2" it is hidden
"Software Update Hidden"="1" ;hide update option from help menu
"Tools Hidden"="1" ;hide menu tools
"Personal BlackList Forced FileName" = "C:\\Fax4Win\\MyBlacklist.txt" ;force usage of the specified blacklist and prevent the usage of other ones
Settings for debugging and troubleshooting
Redirect Faxolution Printer output
Faxolution for Windows allows the output of the printer to be redirected toward another application.
In the following example, the output from Faxolution Printer will be redirected to Notepad++, a text editor. As a parameter, the rendered TIFF file or a text file with links to a single or multiple TIFF files (if there where @@-command in the printed file) are passed to the application.
"Downstream ApplName"="notepad++.exe"
"Downstream PathName"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Notepad++\\"
Log Levels
The following log levels can be used for on-screen messages, messages in Windows' EventLog or messages in files (for Faxolution Monitor & PortClient)
LogLevel 0 - log any message
LogLevel 1 - log successful, warning and error messages
LogLevel 2 - log warning and error messages
LogLevel 3 - log error messages only
LogLevel 99 - log no messages at all
Options for Faxolution Printer logging (Faxolution Monitor)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Faxolution Monitor]
"Event Minimum EventLog Severity"="2" ;log warning and error messages to EventLog
"Event Minimum ScreenPrompt Severity"="99" ;don't show any messages on screen
"Event ScreenPrompt Max Count Per Job"="3" ;maximum count of on screen messages
"Event Minimum FileTrace Severity"="99" ;log no messages to log file
"Trace FileName"="C:\\Faxolution4Win-PortMonitor.log" ;path & filename of log file
Options for TIFF creation logging (Faxolution PortClient)
"Event Minimum EventLog Severity"="2" ;log warning and error messages to EventLog
"Event Minimum ScreenPrompt Severity"="99" ;don't show any messages on screen
"Event ScreenPrompt Max Count Per Job"="3" ;maximum count of on screen messages
"Event Minimum FileTrace Severity"="99" ;log no messsaes to log file
"Trace FileName"="C:\\Faxolution4Win-PortClient.log" ;path & filename of log file
Options for Fax4WinTransmitters logging
Please make sure that the path exists. The file itself will be created by the application.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Server Connection]
"Log Filename"="C:\\Temp\\Server.log" ;path & filename of log file
Terminal server installation
As Faxolution for Windows Setup isn’t in Microsoft’s MSI format, before installing Faxolution for Windows on a terminal server, it has to be set to InstallationMode. To do so, open a command prompt (cmd.exe
) and run the following command.
change user /install
After Faxolution for Windows has been installed, the terminal server has to be reset to ExecutionMode by executing the following command:
change user /execute
It’s advisable to not forget to reset the mode, otherwise the terminal server will continue running in InstallationMode.
With a terminal server installation, it makes sense to insert the Faxolution for Windows license while installing, so every Faxolution for Windows user will automatically have that license, without having to enter it manually.
To do so, execute the Faxolution for Windows setup with the option /license or via registry settings which will also allow to set other options for every user.
An example of inserting the license via the setup option would be
Fax4Win-Setup.exe /license="c:\install\lizenz.lic"
assuming the file
is a valid Faxolution for Windows license in text format. The contents of that text file are inserted into the License Signed string value below the registry key:
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Faxolution\Default Profile
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Faxolution\Standard Profile
Which registry key will be read later on is dependent on the language Faxolution for Windows is set to.
As there is no check for validity of the license, make sure the license file contains a valid Faxolution for Windows license.
To manually set the Faxolution for Windows license and/or other options for Faxolution for Windows via registry, you have to make sure that the line feeds ↴ in the license file are replaced by → before copying the license into the .REG file.
... ... ...
Example of a registry file
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Faxolution\Default Profile]
"License Signed"="S1 L1-ULuzvB4Se4ZIQJtJNNwP-99999-2 f9fo7z4UU8XftU7uPcuuEgDPCTYPmv+MRnl7eLGI/GttL..."
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Faxolution\Standard Profile]
"License Signed"="S1 L1-ULuzvB4Se4ZIQJtJNNwP-99999-2 f9fo7z4UU8XftU7uPcuuEgDPCTYPmv+MRnl7eLGI/GttL..."
To set additional options for a Faxolution for Windows profile, they have to be inserted below the following registry keys (dependent on Faxolution for Windows language):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Default Profile
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Faxolution\Standard Profile