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Setting up the Retarus Cloud Fax Connector

This tutorial outlines the integration and steps needed to request and activate the Retarus Fax-for-Applications Connector for Epic EHR via the Epic Showroom.

Developer: Retarus 

Category: Cloud Fax Connector


  • Epic community member login for the Epic Showroom and Connection Hub.

  • Epic member security rights “Able to Purchase Apps?” to download an app on behalf of the organization.

  • API credentials (Login ID) for Retarus Fax-for-Applications.

  • The preferred data center region URL for Europe or the US (provided by Retarus).

How to get started

1. Request the Retarus Fax Connector in Epic Connection Hub
  • Request Retarus Fax Connector for Epic through the Epic Showroom/Connection Hub and follow the process.

  • On the app details page, users with “Able to Purchase Apps?” security access can request more information about the app or Click “Contact App Creator” to draft an email to the app creator to learn more about the app.

  • Plan the rollout and identify the applications that will integrate with Epic by using Epic's Vendor Implementation Checklist, available in the Community Documentation.

  • After testing follow the instructions of the Epic Connection Hub and complete the App Request Process for activation and testing.

2. Activate the Retarus Fax-for-Application Product from Retarus
  • After submitting the App Request, Retarus will contact you to provide a Fax-for Application API Account for testing purposes, along with detailed information about the integration and product.

  • Work with your Retarus contact to set up a Kick-off call to align key stakeholders on the goals, scope, processes, milestones, and project timeline.

  • Verify the Fax Connector through the Epic Application by sending test faxes to ensure that the Retarus Fax-for-Applications Connector for Epic works properly.


Showroom ( is Epic’s website where customers can explore software that integrates with Epic, download applications and request more information.

User experience

  • Sending faxes directly from the standard Epic user interface.

  • Tracking delivery status within Epic Status Update APIdashboard.

  • Branded cover sheets personalized with Epic metadata.

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