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User-based routing

UBR is particularly useful for hybrid email environments (on-premise and cloud) or during migration scenarios (M365 migration, company mergers and acquisitions etc.) when mailboxes of different users are managed on different servers or tenants. Dynamic changes can be taken into consideration automatically, e.g. groups of users that are migrated in multiple steps. In order to have this information available at Retarus, automated file synchronization is used in the background.

The large number of concerned addresses, as well as the dynamic changes are the reason for using UBR instead of configuring single custom rules via the Predelivery Logic (see chapter above).

User-Based Routing (UBR, Inbound traffic only) has to be booked by the customer and activated by Retarus.

Based on a user list generated by the customer, a mapping file and access via LDAP is used by Retarus.

Example -> ->

UBR can also be combined with an address rewrite functionality (part of the Predelivery Logic). As both functionalities are highly customizable, please contact Retarus for details. At the moment, there is no self-service possibility to activate or configure the service inside the myEAS portal.

UBR cannot be combined with Azure Active Directory Sync at the moment.

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