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SMS-for-Applications - HTTP Simple Interface

The HTTP Simple interface allows sending SMS messages to a single recipient via a simple HTTP POST, and get the status back via HTTP GET. This interface uses the SMS for Applications (SOAP) webservice. Default values for the transmission can be configured via the EAS Portal SMS for Applications (SOAP).

The API supports any of the following alternative forms:

  • Parameters in the HTTP URL as Query Parameters

curl -X POST ""
  • Parameters in the HTTP body as an URL encoded form post - content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

curl --data "msg=" --data "user=" --data "pass=" --data "dst=" ""
  • Parameters in the HTTP body as multipart form post - content type multipart/formdata.

curl --form "msg=" --form "user=" --form "pass=" --form "dst=" ""

It is also possible to combine Query Parameters and x-www-form-urlencoded, or Query Parameters and multipart/formdata.

The rest of this document will only mention the Query Parameters form for the sake of readability.

Authentication & Login IDs

All methods require authentication with a Login ID and password.

Upon request, Retarus can configure multiple accesses (Login IDs) for the webservice. These Login IDs can be configured and managed via the Retarus EAS Portal. When multiple Login IDs are used, the webservice is able to concurrently operate multiple processes and save a configuration for each process.

Version information

Version - v1.0

URI scheme

Host :
BasePath : /httpsimple/v1
Schemes : HTTPS

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