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Adobe: Email Adapter on Experience Cloud (SMTP)

This tutorial outlines the setup of an Email Adapter on the Adobe Experience Cloud via SMTP Gateway. Through a setup of an Email Connector further Adobe Applications can be connected to send out via the Retarus Messaging Platform transactional and high volume oriented use cases.

Retarus provides a comprehensive feature set, which can be added on demand for different applicability of use cases.


How to get started

1. Gather Retarus SMTP Details

First, obtain the necessary SMTP details from Retarus to configure the SMTP adapter:

  • SMTP Server: The hostname or IP address of the Retarus SMTP server.

  • Port: The port number used for SMTP connections. Typically, this is 587 for connections using STARTTLS or 465 for SSL/TLS connections.

  • Username and Password: Your Retarus account credentials for SMTP authentication.

  • Security Protocol: Confirm whether Retarus requires STARTTLS or SSL/TLS for encrypting SMTP connections.

2. Access Adobe Experience Cloud SMTP Gateway

Navigate to the SMTP Gateway configuration within your Adobe Experience Cloud:

  • Login to Adobe Experience Cloud: Use your administrative credentials to log in.

  • Navigate to Email Configuration: Find the section for email configurations or SMTP Gateway settings, typically under the administration or integration settings.

Further Information related Adobe's Email Service provided in Adobe's Experience League Email Service Tutorial


3. Access Adobe Experience Cloud SMTP Gateway

Navigate to the SMTP Gateway configuration within your Adobe Experience Cloud:

  • Login to Adobe Experience Cloud: Use your administrative credentials to log in.

  • Navigate to Email Configuration: Find the section for email configurations or SMTP Gateway settings, typically under the administration or integration settings.

4. Configure the SMTP Adapter

With the SMTP details from Retarus, configure the SMTP adapter in Adobe Experience Cloud:

  • Add a New SMTP Gateway: Look for an option to add or configure an SMTP Gateway.

  • Enter SMTP Details:

    • SMTP Server: Enter the Retarus SMTP server hostname or IP address.

    • Port: Specify the port number provided by Retarus.

    • Username and Password: Enter your Retarus SMTP credentials.

    • Security Protocol: Choose STARTTLS or SSL/TLS based on Retarus's requirements.

  • Advanced Settings (if applicable):

    • Email From Address: Specify the default sender email address, if required by Retarus.

    • Timeouts and Retry Policies: Configure these based on your operational requirements.

5. Test the SMTP Integration

Before deploying the integration into production, conduct thorough testing:

  • Create Test Email Campaigns: Set up test email campaigns in Adobe Experience Cloud targeting a limited number of recipients.

  • Send Test Emails: Use the newly configured SMTP gateway to send test emails.

  • Verify Delivery: Check the delivery status of the test emails and confirm receipt.

  • Review Logs: Examine any logs or error messages to ensure the SMTP connection and email delivery are functioning as expected.

6. Deploy and Monitor

After successful testing, move forward with deploying the integration:

  • Deploy Integration: Activate or finalize the SMTP Gateway configuration for production use.

  • Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor the integration for any issues, paying close attention to delivery rates, bounce rates, and any error logs

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