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Product Sheet


Retarus Transactional Email


  • SMTP Adapter

Add-on modules

  • Trace & Recover: emails transmitted via SMTP are stored in a short-term storage and trackable via Email Live Search; messages can be resent without restarting the whole process in the originating application; recipient addresses can be changed before resending

  • Bounce & Response Manager: enhanced bounce & traffic management 


Reputation Management

  • Dedicated IP: provision of customer dedicated IP addresses to separate email traffic of different customers or within a customer landscape (optional)

  • Suppression List: hardbounce prevention, by suppressing previously bounced/unknown recipient email addresses for future send-outs

  • Smart Delivery Optimization (SDO): SDO automatically adapts the sending behavior to the responses of individual ISPs/ESPs to maximize the message throughput

  • Smart Network Data Service (SNDS): SNDS provides detailed data for each IP address of customers showing their reputation at Microsoft. The information is provided via a report in CSV format

  • Feedback Loops: automatically reports if and which emails are rejected by recipients and prevents resending to recipients who have declined receipt of specific emails from the ISP

  • Basic configuration: SPF, DKIM and DMARC implementation to maintain a high inbox placement

  • CSA Certification: sending IPs are registered with the for higher throughput and better inbox placement for major ISPs, ESPs; available for EU, CH

  • Spam Score Check: spam check of the email content performed by Retarus Email Security to increase inbox placement

Business Features

  • Processing Capacity: contractually guaranteed throughput/processing capacity of up to 10 million emails per hour; providing top performance and deliverability for time-critical processes

  • Open & Link Tracking:  tracks the opening rate of emails and links contained in emails; CNAME allows customers to use link tracking for their own (sub)domains

  • Template Rendering: support for FreeMarker templating

  • Multi-level Service Level Agreements (SLAs): to assure business and operations critical KPIs

  • EMail Reporting: available via API or download via the Retarus myEAS admin portal

  • Email Live Search: allows searching for the current status at the message level in real time via Retarus myEAS

  • Secure Document Handling: password-protected attachments for protecting sensitive contental (password-encrpyted ZIP archive)

  • AntiVirus Multiscan: virus check for outgoing attachments to secure sender reputation

Integration Features

  • Registered Sender Domain: only registered sender domains are authorized to send via the API

  • IP Whitelisting: only IPs added to the allowlist will be able to access and use the customer account and features of the service; authentication either via Basic Auth or via whitelisted IP

  • Enforced TLS: TLS encryption for outbound emails is available as standard option; optionally enforced TLS can be activated per sending domain

  • DNSSEC: ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the sending system using DNSSEC

  • Status Information: detailed status notifications for each sending job pushed back via API call

  • Envelope From Address Rewriting: rewriting of sender email to enable efficient routing of replies

  • 3rd party Archiving: keep a legal long-term evidence of emails sent into the Archiving solution of your choice.

Connectors and Add-ons

3rd Party Integrations

  • Configuring the SMTP Adapter for Salesforce

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