Spam Score Check
The probability of your messages being classified as spam depends on several factors. Spam warnings can be triggered by unusual HTML formatting or table constructions, an excessive number of links or dubious wording in the subject line and mail body. Retarus provides you with a spam score check service. This service enables you to check the probability of your email being classified as spam before it is sent out.
To use this service, an email must be sent to the email address via the known transactional email service. The result (see graphic below) is automatically sent back to the sender address.
Calculation of the spam probability
For calculating the Spam Score, Transactional Email uses the AntiSpam Service from the Retarus Secure Email Gateway product, and is calculated as described in the section "AntiSpam Detection" documentation.
Email report sample

Push notification sample
You have also to possibility to receive all SpamScoreCheck-Information via our Push-Notification-Service. If you would like more information, please contact your Technical Consultant.
"tenant":"Test User",