Available widgets
Below is an overview of the widgets available for adding to the home page. Each widget provides specific insights into different areas of your Retarus products, such as media stats, email overviews, email security, and more.
Desirable email overview
Every email you receive is scanned to ensure it's safe and relevant to you. It is checked for common problems like spam and viruses or for matching the Directory Administration lists you've set up.
The Desirable email overview widget shows the number of good emails you've received over the past week. By hovering over the chart, you can see detailed information for each day.
Email Security statistics
This widget gives you a compact view of the emails you've received over the past seven days, categorized into four specific groups
desirable emails
emails sent to invalid recipients
emails containing viruses
For a closer look at your email statistics on any given day, hover your mouse over the chart. A tooltip will pop up showing you the exact number of emails for each category on that particular day.
Below the chart, you'll find the names of the four email categories. You can toggle its visibility by clicking on any of these category names.
Enterprise Email Archive storage space used
This widget provides a clear view of how much space your emails are taking up in the Enterprise Email Archive.
For an in-depth look at the storage usage of your email archive, hover your mouse over the chart. A pop-up window will show you the exact amount of storage (measured in gigabytes) used on each date in the chart.
Filtered email overview
This widget provides details about emails that have been filtered due to security concerns or verification issues. Filtered emails are those that have been identified as likely spam, containing viruses, or failing a verification check against a list in Directory Administration (for example, if the sender is on a blocklist). These emails are either quarantined or deleted, preventing them from being delivered to their intended recipients.
Here you can quickly see how many emails have been filtered over the past week in an easy-to-read chart.
Hover your mouse over the chart to see the exact number of emails filtered on any given day. A pop-up will display the exact number of emails filtered on that day.
Media statistics
This widget provides an overview of your outbound communications, including SMS messages, emails, and faxes, all in one place. The included chart graphically represents your communication activities over time, making it easier to see trends at a glance.
Hover your mouse over the chart to see more specific details about your communications on any given day. A pop-up window appears showing the type of transmission (SMS, email, or fax) and the exact number of messages sent that day.
Below the chart, you'll find options to show or hide different elements of your communication summary. By clicking on one or more of these items, you can customize the chart to show only the data you're interested in. Whether you want to focus on emails, SMS messages, faxes, or any combination of these, this feature allows you to personalize your view and focus on the details.
Media statistics - email
This widget gives you a visual summary of your outbound email activity from the past week.
To see how many emails you sent on any given day over the past week, simply hover your mouse over the appropriate spot on the chart. A tooltip will appear with the exact number of emails sent on that day.
Below the graph, you'll see the names of the different elements the widget tracks (OK, Error, Canceled). You can either show or hide the elements on the chart by clicking on these names.
Media statistics - fax
This widget provides an easy way to keep track of your outbound fax activity for the past week.
To find out how many faxes you've sent on a particular day, simply hover your mouse over that day in the chart. A tooltip showing the exact number of faxes sent on the selected date will give you an accurate view of your faxing volume.
By clicking on the labels below the chart (OK, Error, Canceled), you can toggle the visibility of the sent faxes with different statuses on the chart.
Media statistics SMS
This widget provides a clear and concise overview of the SMS messages you've sent over the past week.
To see the number of SMS sent on each day, hover your mouse over the graph. A detailed tooltip will appear showing the exact number of SMS messages sent on your viewing day.
By clicking on the labels below the chart (OK, Error, Canceled), you can toggle the visibility of the sent SMS messages with different statuses on the chart.
The News widget serves as your go-to source for all announcements and news related to the EAS portal and Retarus products.
In addition to the widget, you can access the full list of EAS-related news by clicking on the News tab in the left navigation menu within the EAS portal.