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CSV Syntax per Retarus product

For each product, the CSV data must conform to a specific format. Please note that the CSV file to be included must not contain any header lines but must start with the data right away in the first line. For detailed information on the meaning of the field name, see FieldMappings.

CSV syntax for Fax Inbound

The sequence of the fields for Fax Inbound Dirsync CSV data is as follows:

"block-name", "recipients", "user-number", "extension", "profile", "billing-code", "document-format", "fax-id", "language", "active", "comment"

CSV syntax for Email-to-Fax

The sequence of the fields for Email-to-Fax Dirsync CSV data is as follows:

"e-mail", "billing-code", "csid", "header", "resolution", "blacklist", "default-country-code", "default-area-code", "reply-to", "reply-cc", "error-to", "language", "reply-format", "only-attachments", "attach-tiff-to-report", "attach-tiff-to-report-only-if-error", "reply-status-sorting", "prefix-plus-sign-in-fax-number", "customer-no", "client-name", "profile-name", "template-name", "date-format", "time-format", "timezone"

CSV syntax for Email-to-SMS

The sequence of the fields for SMS Dirsync CSV data is as follows:

"e-mail", "sms-id", "billing-code", "default-country-code", "sms-source", "max-parts", "e-mail-as-prefix", "language", "customer-no", "replace-with-spaces", "send-as-flash", "status-polling", "report-mail-format", "suppress-first-status-mail", "profile"

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