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Special mapping configurations


The field type FIELDBUILDER allows for combining or extracting specified information from a single LDAP field and assigning the result to the service’s data field. For example, it would be possible to extract specific information from a DistinguishedName field and create PROFILE assignments this way.

The LDAP data source value is expected to contain a list of values separated by some character. The default separator is the comma (,). However it is possible to specify a different separator character via the FieldMapping attribute Separator. This results in a group of string subsets which in the following are called elements.

These elements in themselves again are analyzed to see if they are relevant for constructing the field’s value. The rules according to which this analysis is completed are as follows:

The search condition that an element must match is specified within square brackets. Several search conditions are possible.

Within one search condition, the pipe character (|) is used to split these elements into some sort of “key / value pair”. The string to the left of the separator is the “key”, the rest of the element would be the value. To the right of the separator, the instance of the occurrence of the element is specified. If the number is positive, the search is started at the beginning of the data source value. If the number is negative, the search is started at the end of the data source value.


The LDAP datasource returns the following DistinguishedName:

CN=John Doe,OU=Engineering,OU=Tech,OU=DE,OU=retarus,DC=retarus,DC=local

In the first step, the FieldBuilder creates the elements by separating the values using the comma:

  • CN=John Doe

  • OU=Engineering

  • OU=Tech

  • OU=DE

  • OU=retarus

  • DC=retarus

  • DC=local

In the next step, the FieldBuilder’s search string is applied. For example, the search string
would return the second occurrence from the left (from the beginning) amongst all elements that start with OU=. So, here it would return Tech.

If there are other characters within the search string between the square brackets, these are inserted between the results. For example, if you wanted to combine the fourth, the third, the second, and the first OU field from the example above from the right (from the bottom to the top) in this sequence and interconnect them with a period (.), the search string
would render the desired result as follows:


The information specified in UCFG fields is used for defining user-specific configuration options in the Retarus Email Security services. Any configurations specified here will be assigned to the user’s email addresses. Typical usage scenarios are, for example, to assign an AntiSpam Digest template to a user, or to specify user-based routing information. The value names may vary depending on the type of configuration. Please consult your contact to confirm the correct value names which need to be specified.

Standard value names for configuring digest settings are listed in the table below:

Value name





Maximum age in days of a quarantined message before it is automatically deleted.




The name of the Digest Spam Report template to be used for this user.

Consult your Service Transition Engineer to find out which values are available for your client setup.



The times on week days (Mon thru Fri) in full hours at which the spam report should be sent to the user. Specifying multiple times is possible.

The times are enclosed in square brackets, the individual time values are separated by commas ([h,h,h]).

When specifying wdHourBitSet values, make sure to set the DELIMITER option to NODELIMITER to avoid the values being enclosed with quotes.

[int, int]

[7, 14]
[6, 12, 18]

<FieldMapping Name="digest" Active="true" Type="UCFG" ContentType="FIELDCONTENT" DataSourceFieldName="userAttr1" Builder="" DefaultValue="[9]" FieldName="wdHourBitSet" ConversionName="" Separator="" Delimiter="NODELIMITER" />


The times on weekends (Sat & Sun) in full hours at which the spam report should be sent to the user. Specifying multiple times is possible.

The times are enclosed in square brackets, the individual time values are separated by commas ([h,h,h]).

When specifying wdHourBitSet values, make sure to set the DELIMITER option to NODELIMITER to avoid the values being enclosed with quotes.

[int, int]

[7, 14]
[6, 12, 18]

<FieldMapping Name="digest" Active="true" Type="UCFG" ContentType="FIELDCONTENT" DataSourceFieldName="userAttr1" Builder="" DefaultValue="[9]" FieldName="wdHourBitSet" ConversionName="" Separator="" Delimiter="NODELIMITER" />


The time zone according to which the Antispam Digest Report emails should be sent. For a list of time zones available, see Time zones.




Any information used for personalization (e.g. specifying a user’s name, phone number, etc.) in the Signature/Disclaimer option of Retarus Email Security or in the fax cover sheet when using Retarus Email-to-Fax are to be specified via P13N fields. P13N is a representation of the term personalization as "p" followed by 13 more letters, followed by "n". In P13N, key/value pairs are created that assign a value such as “Smith” to the key such as LastName.

So, in the FieldMapping of type P13N, the FieldValue LastName would be filled with the value which the query provides from the data source. See below for an example of a P13N configuration:


In this example, the content of the directory field givenName is written to the service field FirstName, and the value of the directory’s field sn is written to the service field LastName. Due to this, the service will be able to render the user’s first name and last name i.e. in the fax cover sheet or the personal signature of the user’s sent email message.

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