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User settings

The following settings are available when you create a new user account or configure an existing one.

The options available depend on the user's role, for example, whether the user is a Customer Admin or Customer Staff.

General settings

Column name



First name & Last name

User's personal identifiers within the portal.


Email associated with the user account.


Preferred language for the portal’s content.

Date format & Time format

Format for displaying dates and times (e.g., in the menu header or on your reports).

Phone number format

Preferred phone number format for Fax Inbound products.

SAML login

Defines whether the user can log in to the EAS portal with their username and password or via SAML.

Manage accounts

Defines which customer number documents the user is authorized to view.

Access to articles

Defines whether the user has permission to create, edit, or delete articles.


Access to eSign Reporting

Defines whether the user is authorized to view eSign document reports.

Access to eSign customers

Defines which documents from which customer numbers the user can view.

Export eSign documents

Defines whether the user is authorized to download eSign document reports.

View the support tickets

Defines whether the user can view the status and progress of support tickets currently being processed by Retarus.

View all support tickets for this customer number

Defines whether the user has optional rights to view all support tickets under their customer number (just like an administrator).

Access to Report Archive

Defines whether the user has access to the Report Archive.

View access log

Defines whether the user has access to the EAS access log.

EDI settings

Column name



EDI Reporting

Defines whether the user can view EDI Reporting.


Download conversion files

Defines whether the user can download conversion files.

Email settings

Column name



Access to the spam quarantine

Defines whether the user can view all users' quarantine.

Retrieve emails from the quarantine

Defines whether the user can release emails from the quarantine.

Access to the Directory Administration

Defines whether the user can view the Directory Management in Email Security.

Directory Management allows users to view (and administrators to manage) the lists of valid and invalid email addresses (domain lists, user lists, block-/allowlists, and effective lists).

Address mapping (quarantine)

Defines whether the user can manage alias addresses.

Access to Service settings

Defines whether the user can manage spam thresholds, quarantine settings (except mapping), and the Attachment Blocker. Settings can be changed at both domain and profile level.

Access to the digest settings

Defines whether the user can edit the digest settings for domains and users.

Access to black-/whitelists

Defines whether the user can view company-wide block-/allowlists.

Access to user lists

Defines whether the user can make changes to the user configuration in Email Security.

Access to Data Leakage Prevention

Defines whether the user can configure Data Leakage Prevention.

Access to Attachment Blocker

Defines whether the user can configure Attachment Blocker.

Access to Outbound Attachment Blocker

Defines whether the user can configure Outbound Attachment Blocker.

Access to Large Email Handling

Defines whether the user can configure Outbound Attachment Blocker.

Access to Signature settings

Defines whether the user can use digital signatures.

Access to Enterprise Email Archive

Defines whether the user can view the Enterprise Email Archive.

Authorized addresses

Defines the addresses or domains that will be searchable in the Enterprise Email Archive. A * can be used as a wildcard, and each entry must be separated by a comma.

Date from/to

The earliest/latest date from/to which the user can view messages in the Enterprise Email Archive.

Blocked addresses

Defines the addresses or domains that are not searchable in the Enterprise Email Archive. A * can be used as a wildcard, and each entry must be separated by a comma.

Access to Email Size Reduction

Defines whether the user can configure Email Size Reduction.


Access to Enterprise Email Monitoring

Defines whether the user can access Enterprise Inbound Mail Monitoring, which enables real-time monitoring of inbound email traffic.

Access to Outbound Enterprise Email Monitoring

Defines whether can access Enterprise Outbound Mail Monitoring, which enables real-time monitoring of outbound email traffic.

See Dashboard Statistics

Defines whether the user can view the reports for Email Security, which evaluates incoming and outgoing email traffic.

Fax settings

Column name



Access to Fax Inbound Services

Defines whether the user can configure Fax Inbound.

Use Mail2FaxConfig

Defines whether the user can configure Email-to-Fax.

Access to Faxolution for Applications

Defines whether the user can configure Faxolution for Applications.


View the Media Statistics

Allows the user to view a summary of all sent messages and their media (email, fax, SMS).

Export statistics in CSV format

Allows the user to download media statistics in CSV format.

Access to Fax Outbound Reporting

Allows the user to view a summary of outbound faxes.

Access to Fax Inbound Reporting

Allows the user to view a summary of inbound faxes.

Export (outbound) fax documents

Defines whether the user can download documents from Fax Outbound Reporting.

Export (inbound) fax documents

Defines whether the user can download documents from Fax Inbound Reporting.

HTTP settings

Column name


Access to Web Security

Allows the user to make changes to the Web Security configuration.

SMS settings

Column name



Use SMS Inbound Services

Defines whether the user can access and use SMS Inbound Services.

Access to SMS for Applications

Defines whether the user can configure SMS for Applications.

Access to Mail2SMS

Defines whether the user has authorization to configure Mail2SMS.


Access to SMS Inbound Reporting

Defines whether the user can use SMS Outbound Reporting.

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