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Microsoft: Receiving faxes in a Teams Channel

This tutorial explains the steps required to set up Retarus Fax-to-Email to deliver incoming faxes directly to a Microsoft Teams channel.


Microsoft Teams

  • Administrative privileges within Microsoft Teams.

  • A dedicated channel for receiving faxes.


  • A Fax-to-Email account and a fax number. 

  • A myEAS account, including login ID (username and password).

  • Administrative rights for configuring Fax-to-Email in myEAS.

How to get started 

1. Retrieve the email address of a Microsoft Teams channel

→ Open Microsoft Teams and navigate to the channel where you want to receive faxes.

→ Click the three dots next to the channel's name and select Get email address.

  • The pop-up window opens, displaying the channel's email address.

→ Copy the email address.

  • This address will be used to deliver the received faxes.

2. Configure a Fax Inbound profile for the Teams channel

→ Log in to Retarus myEAS.

→ Go to Administration - Fax Services - Fax Inbound Services.

→ If the teams channel should consolidate several fax numbers and users in one channel then add the
user to the Profile and do not enter their specific email address in the Numbers tab

→ Add the email address you copied from the MS Teams channel to the Default recipient field.

→ Add more parameters to customize document format, language, time zone, or cost center as needed.


Retarus Enterprise Administration Portal

→ Alternatively setup in Numbers the Teams channel address as Recipient to a dedicated Fax number

3. Test the integration

→ Send a test fax to your Fax-to-Email number.

→ Go to the Microsoft Teams channel that you've configured to receive faxes and verify that the fax has arrived.

→ If the fax does not appear in your Microsoft Teams channel, check the Retarus and Microsoft Teams settings and send the test fax again.



  • Visit the Retarus EAS portal documentation for detailed information on configuring Fax-to-Email.

  • For specific issues or more complex configurations, consult the Microsoft Teams documentation.

Best Practices

  • Set permissions appropriately to ensure only authorized personnel can access the Microsoft Teams channel.

  • Regularly monitor and maintain the integration, checking for issues and staying up-to-date with changes from Microsoft Teams and Retarus.

  • OneDrive or SharePoint can be automatically updated if synchronization with the storage location is activated.


Faxes do not appear in Microsoft Teams
  • Send a test email from a standard email client to your Teams channel email address.

  • If the test email is delivered correctly:

    • Check the email address you entered in the EAS portal under Default recipient.

    • Check if your Microsoft Teams tenant is set up only to accept emails from your corporate email domain.

      • Allow the receiving from the Retarus fax domain:

  • If the test email does not appear in Teams, check with your Teams administrator to determine if Microsoft Teams is set up to receive emails.

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