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User upload file structure

The upload file must be in CSV format and meet certain criteria. The following table describes the column headings, parameters, and contents of the upload file.

Column heading



User name (*)

User's email address.

Client name

Name of the client to which you want to assign the user.

Must be exactly the same as the client name in the Email-to-Fax configuration interface.

Profile name

Name of the profile to which you want to assign the user.



Fax ID that the recipient will see.

Maximum 20 characters

Billing code


Can be set for each user.

Maximum 70 characters (US ASCII without control characters).


Fax header for each user.

Maximum 140 characters


Resolution of the faxes to be sent.


Block list

Specifies whether the BITKOM Robinson List is applied.


This list is only used for numbers in Germany.

Send attachments only

Specifies whether to fax the entire email or just the attachments.


Country code

Can be uploaded for each user.

The appropriate string must begin with a + and contain the digits 0 through 9. A 0 cannot be the first digit in the string.

Area code

Can be specified in addition to the country code.

212 for New York City


Language in which the individual user will receive messages.

Available languages:

  • English

  • German

  • French

  • Spanish

  • Italian

Report format

Format in which you will receive delivery statistics reports.

You can select A4 or Letter.


Sender address that will be displayed to the recipient.

Can be in the form of an email address, such as

Send error reports

Recipient's email address for notification when (a) bug(s) occurs.

email address

Send status reports

Recipient's email address for the send status reports.

email address

Copy status reports

Recipient for a copy of the report.

email address

Attach TIFF

Sent fax can be attached to the report in TIFF format.


Attach TIFF only to error report

Specifies whether to append the TIFF only in case of an error.


Sort by status (error status first)

Refers to the delivery statistics notification. The statistics can be sorted by status, and errors are listed first.


File name

Name of the cover letter you want to use.

Enter the same file name as specified in the EAS portal.

Date format

Format for the send date of the cover letter.

Supported formats:

  • dd.MM.yyyy

  • dd/MM/yyyy

  • dd-MM-yyyy

  • MM.dd.yyyy

  • MM/dd/yyyy

  • MM-ddyyyy

  • yyyy.MM.dd

  • yyyy/MM/dd

  • yyyy-MM-dd

Time format

Format for the transmission time of the cover letter.

  • HH:mm:ss

  • h:mm a

Time zone

Time zone used to determine the transfer time.

Use the following formats: US/Central or Europe/Berlin.

All time zones are supported.

Discretionary number of personalization fields

Names of the personalization fields that will be part of the cover letter.

Use the same format as the cover page.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. All other fields are automatically filled with default values if no other values are specified.

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