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Administrator access to end user quarantine and digest settings

There are two ways for administrators to access the personal email quarantine of their users:

  1. Quarantine access via myEAS portal (Live Search)
    myEAS ( - Search - Quarantine Research
    You may access the personal quarantine of a user, search for a specific email and release an email to the original recipient (by clicking on the email in the result section and the “Release” button that is shown).

  1. User quarantine access and configuration via EAS portal
    EAS ( - Administration - Email Services - User Configuration
    You may access the personal quarantine of a user, search for a specific email, release an email to the original recipient. In addition to the search via myEAS (Live Search), you also have the possibility to download an email as eml file (available via the “preview” of an email), as well as access and edit the user-specific block- and allowlist (so they can prevent erroneous blocking of addresses and users from accidentally unblocking senders that should remain blocked). Apart from that, you may also access and edit the digest settings of your users.


In order to view the user quarantine or adjust user settings, as an administrator you have to choose the user (email address) first by searching for it in the text box on top of the page.

When the user is found, the following tabs are shown:

Spam Quarantine

Independent from the digest settings, quarantined emails are retained in quarantine for a certain period of time before they are deleted automatically. By default, this expiry time is set to 30 days, but may be changed by Retarus upon request. Changing the expiry time affects all emails that are quarantined after this date; existing emails in quarantine keep the original expiry date.

Messages cannot be released if they contained a virus, as these emails have been rejected directly instead of being quarantined.

You may filter by date range and spam probability or search for a string in the sender or subject fields. An email from the resulting list may be previewed and released by using the buttons on the right side.

Allowlist & Blocklist

Access the end user’s personal AntiSpam Allowlist and Blocklist. Entries may be viewed, edited, deleted and new entries may be added. Either specific email addresses or complete domains may be added. When adding a domain, please make sure that it’s put onto the list with a preceding “@” character.

Check Addresses

Here, you may check if a certain email address (not working for domains) is included in the AntiSpam Allowlist or Blocklist or on both lists (which would mean that the allowlist setting wins).


Access to the user’s personal digest settings.

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