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RSA: SMS Token Setup for Authentication Manager

This manual provides the instructions on setting up the RSA Authentication Manager to send On-demand Authentication (ODA) token codes via SMS text messages using Retarus SMS-for-Applications (SOAP). The setup requires only an API account for Retarus SMS.

Further information about the Retarus SMS-for-Applications (SOAP) is available in SMS-for-Applications - SOAP.

  • Activate the Delivery by SMS checkbox to enable the delivery of on-demand token codes using Retarus SMS.

  • Select User Attribute to Provide SMS Destination from the dropdown menu.

  • You can optionally select the default country code from the dropdown menu (this setting can also be configured in the EAS portal).

  • Select HTTP from the SMS Plugin dropdown menu.


The next step is to paste the following into the Base URL field:

  • Click on Import Certificate to browse to and install an SMS certificate if you are configuring your base for HTTPS.

  • Select XML from the HTTP Method dropdown menu.

  • Copy the following string into the XML Request Body field.

  • Enter the user name for your Retarus SMS-for-Applications SOAP account.

  • Enter the password for your Retarus SMS-for-Applications SOAP account.

  • Copy the following into the Success Response Code field: J.20.

  • Copy the following line into the Response Format field: .<jobId>(J\.20).

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