Customer settings
In the Customer area, you can configure the following settings:
General settings
Document settings
Recipient settings

The settings system is hierarchical, with settings in the Numbers tab taking precedence over settings in the Profiles tab, which take precedence over settings in the Customer tab. Settings made in the Numbers tab apply to all services and profiles under your customer number unless you change the settings in the Profiles tab and/or the Customer tab. Changing the settings overrides any settings that would otherwise be inherited from other tabs.
Settings that do not exist in the lower level(s) are automatically inherited from the next level in the hierarchy (this is known as the inheritance principle). This means that the settings made in the Customer tab, including defaults, are automatically applied to both the Profiles and Numbers tabs unless specifically changed in one of these tabs.
Configuring general settings
The general customer settings are available right under the Customer tab.

The table below list the available general settings:
Setting | Default value | Description |
Fax ID | Retarus Faxolution | Also known as the CSID, it identifies the fax and is used in reports on the fax sent to the sender. It can consist of a phone number and additional alphanumeric characters, but no more than 20 altogether. |
Cost center | Empty | Optional. It can be used to enter a billing code, if desired. |
Activated | Yes | Shows whether the customer number is activated. If No is selected, all profiles, including their fax numbers, will be deactivated and thus can no longer be reached, even if a profile or the number itself is activated. |
Configuring document settings
The Document settings determine the archiving, format, and formatting options at the customer level. The PDF format is the default for fax documents.

Retarus Managed Fax Services supports PDF, PDF/A-1b, TIFF, TIFFG4, and Single-Page TIFF document formats.
If the requested document format cannot be created, the inbound fax will be sent as a TIFF file.
Only PDF documents can be encrypted. PDF/A-1b, TIFF, TIFFG4, and Single-Page TIFF documents cannot be encrypted, and PDF documents with a certificate-based signature cannot be encrypted.
AES 256-bit encryption is used, meaning that documents can only be opened by a recipient with Adobe Acrobat Version 9x or higher.
The table below lists the available document settings:
Setting | Default value | Description |
Maximum days short-term archive | 0 | Your contract with Retarus determines the maximum number of days a fax can be stored and retrieved from Retarus’ Fax Inbound Archive. |
Days in short-term archive | 0 | The number of days the fax will be stored in the short-term archive. The maximum number of days is specified in your contract with Retarus. |
Document format | The format in which the fax will be sent. The formats currently supported are PDF, PDF/A-1b, TIFF, TIFFG4, and Single Page TIFF. | |
Encryption | No | Specifies whether to encrypt PDF documents. If you want to use PGP or X.509 encryption instead of password encryption, you must select it from the Encryption Method option in the Profiles menu (Fax-to-FTP and Fax-to-Applications only). Documents that have a certificate-based signature cannot be encrypted. |
Paper format | A4 | Specifies the paper format. You can select either A4 or Letter format. |
Receipt details | No | If enabled, fax reception information is printed on the left-hand side of a fax report. |
Configuring recipient settings
The Recipient settings ensure that the recipient's location and language are taken into account when deciding when to send the fax(es).

The following table explains the settings in the Recipient settings menu:
Setting | Default value | Description |
Language | English | Selects the language for the inbound fax. The options are English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. |
Time zone | Europe/Berlin | Selects the time zone for fax delivery. |