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With Retarus Fax-to-Email, digital faxes seamlessly arrive in your email inbox. Unique fax numbers can be assigned to individual employees, departments, or specific functions. Alternatively, incoming faxes can be routed through a central fax number and intelligently routed to the right recipient based on sender details. Inbound faxes are converted into PDF or TIFF file attachments and delivered via SMTP to the email addresses linked to your Retarus fax numbers.

Retarus Fax-to-Email also offers a range of additional features and functionalities, including those outlined below and more.

  • Automatically synchronize inbound fax numbers with email accounts via LDAP or Active Directory for a seamless and straightforward implementation process

  • Ability to set up a central fax number

  • Smart routing based on sender recognition

  • Access to the EAS Portal, an online administration platform for account settings configuration, user provisioning, support tickets, and to view, print, and download fax reporting

  • Default settings for parameters such as fax identifier, cost center, document format, etc. can be defined at the customer, profile, and number level

  • Barcode and OCR recognition

  • Automatic reply to incoming faxes

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