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SYNC_MODE = 1: Consider all AD mailboxes for synchronization

SYNC_MODE = 1: Sync all users

  • Sync all users and shared mailboxes (SM) for Email-to-Fax and Fax-to-Email

  • Sync all users/SM only for Email-to-Fax

  • Sync all users/SM only for Fax-to-Email

  • Sync only users/SM with a fax number entry for Email-to-Fax (alphanumeric or numeric)

  • Sync GraphAPI parameters for writing customized headers

  • Sync GraphAPI parameters for enabling customized cover sheets

  • Sync number blocks (Retarus-side blocks)

Var1: m2f_enabled

Datatype: bool


Enables all mailboxes for Email-to-Fax synchronization.

The actual synchronization depends on the variable M2F_sync_just_users_with_faxnumber. If this variable is set, not all mailboxes will be synced for Email-to-Fax.


Mailboxes will not be synchronized for Email-to-Fax.

Var2: profile_name_m2f

Datatype: string

  • Name of the profile in the Retarus EAS Portal.

  • The profile must be set up in the EAS Portal before the first synchronization.

  • Use a lowercase letter as the first letter of the name.

  • Default in sample code:
    profile_name_m2f = "mail2Fax"

Var3: M2F_sync_just_users_with_faxnumber


For Email-to-Fax, only mailboxes with at least one fax number entry—either alphanumeric or numeric—will be considered for synchronization.


All mailboxes are synced for Email-to-Fax, even if they don’t have a fax number entry. The CSID from the profile where the mailbox is listed will be used as the CSID.

Var4: params_coversheet

Defines the Microsoft Graph API parameters to be synced for use in the Email-to-Fax cover sheet.


  • To sync givenName and surname for cover sheet usage:
    string[] params_coversheet = {"givenName", "surname"}

  • If no cover sheet is used:
    string[] params_coversheet = {}

Microsoft Graph API parameters are always lowercase. Use Graph API parameter names, not the Exchange Admin Center names (see Graph API dictionary table and definitions). The sample code automatically prefixes "s_" to every Microsoft Graph API parameter in the m2f.csv file to distinguish between standard parameters and customized ones.

The Graph API parameter "givenName" appears in m2f.csv as "s_givenName".

The sample code generates a unique list of cover sheet parameters across all synced groups. Different groups may:

  • Have the same cover sheet parameters.

  • Have completely different parameters.

  • Have only a subset of other groups' cover sheet parameters.

Cover sheet parameters not relevant for a specific group appear as empty fields in the final m2f.csv for mailboxes in that group.

Var5: header

Datatype: string

The header can be user-specific or non-user-specific.

A fax header from Retarus may appear as follows. In this example, the date and time, along with the page indicator on the right, are added during fax creation. The sender's fax number (highlighted in yellow) is a user-specific parameter synchronized from Active Directory.


For more details on the available options for Retarus Email-to-Fax headers, refer to the Email-to-Fax documentation or contact your Retarus Technical Consultant or Implementation Engineer.


  • Non-user-specific header:
    Initialize the header under //3. CONFIGURE THE MODE:
    string header = "{DateTime.Now:0f dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm %C}" + "%r%P/%T";

  • User-specific header:

    • Initialize an empty string: string header = "";

    • Search for "PERS_HEADER_MODE1" in the sample code and write or uncomment the line that assigns a value to header, such as header = ...

// header = "{DateTime.Now:0f dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm %C} " + user.surname + " %r%P/%T";

Var6: f2m_enabled

Datatype: bool




Sync mailboxes for Fax-to-Email


Don’t sync mailboxes for Fax-to-Email

Var7: profile_name_f2m

Datatype: string
Default: string profile_name_f2m = "fax2mail";

In the Retarus EAS Portal, the profile name must be manually configured before starting the synchronization of mailboxes.

Var8: forwarding_enabled

Datatype: bool




Enables fax forwarding scenarios. This setting must be configured if at least one user has:

  1. One or more of the following:

    • A forwarding number (C-number) and

    • A display number (B-number)

  2. A combination of (1) and one or more single fax numbers, such as:

    • SIP-Trunk

    • Retarus-owned numbers

    • Ported numbers

    • Numbers purchased in the name of the customer

  3. A combination of (1) or (2) and an alphanumeric senderID (see Graph API dictionary table and definitions), placed before the first comma.

If two or more users in a Fax-to-Email setup share the same fax number, the sample code assumes that all these users should receive the fax via email.

In this case, it is necessary to set bool mode1_multiRecipients = true;

See mode1_multiRecipients.


Does not enable forwarding scenarios. This setting allows for the following configurations:

  1. One or more single fax numbers, such as:

    • SIP-Trunk

    • Retarus-owned numbers

    • Ported numbers

    • Numbers purchased in the name of the customer

  2. A combination of (1) and an alphanumeric senderID (see Graph API dictionary table and definitions), placed before the first comma.

If two or more users in a Fax-to-Email setup share the same fax number, the sample code assumes that all these users should receive the fax via email.

In this case, it is necessary to set bool mode1_multiRecipients = true;

See mode1_multiRecipients.

Var9: extension_length

Datatype: int

Defines the fax number block length (e.g., 4 for a block of 10,000 numbers) within a group's number block.

The sample code synchronizes:

  • The number block (f2m.csv parameter: "block-name")

  • The extension (f2m.csv parameter: "extension") separately.

In forwarding scenarios, this separation applies to the C-number (Retarus forwarding number), not to the display number (B-number).

Var10: mode1_multiRecipients

Datatype: bool




The sample code supports multiple recipients, meaning that if two or more users share the same fax number, all associated mailboxes will receive the fax via email.

Example, +1123456789, +49123456789, +1123456789, +49444444444

For fax number +1123456789, the fax will be delivered to:

In this scenario, an intermediate file is created to list all Fax-to-Email recipients. This file is then reloaded to correctly map multiple recipients to a single Fax-to-Email fax number (or forwarding scenario). See also f2m_interm_document in the diagram below.


Only set to false if you are certain that no two mailboxes share the same single fax number or forwarding-scenario fax number.

The following logic outlines two scenarios with examples:

  1. Mode1_multiRecipients = true → An intermediate CSV is created, and fax recipients are merged.

  2. Mode1_multiRecipients = false → No intermediate CSV is created, and fax recipients are overwritten.

If you expect that one or more fax numbers in your Fax-to-Email implementation might have multiple recipients—now or in the future—set:
Mode1_multiRecipients = true


Var11: faxNumberField

Datatype: string
Default: faxNumberField = "faxNumber"

Defines the source for the alphanumeric CSID or one or multiple numeric fax numbers/CSIDs.

This parameter specifies the Microsoft Graph API field in the Entra Admin Center that holds fax number/CSID information for this group. The sample code allows fax number information to be stored in either:

  • businessPhones

  • faxNumber

See also Graph API dictionary table and definitions.


  • Fax number or CSID information stored in the businessPhones field:
    faxNumberField = "businessPhones"

  • Fax number or CSID information stored in the faxNumber field:
    faxNumberField = "faxNumber"

Using the businessPhones field instead of a dedicated fax number field to store CSID or fax number information follows a traditional approach. In this setup, a user's fax number is associated with their business phone number through an extension prefix. For example:

  • Business phone: +49 12345678 – 1234

  • Fax number: +49 12345678 – 5 – 1234

In such cases, some customers may prefer to use the businessPhones field directly for fax numbers. This approach can be supported by the functionalities extension_length and extension_prefix.

Var12: extension_prefix

Datatype: string
Default value: extension_prefix = ""

Defines a prefix for fax number extensions. This is applicable when the fax number is derived from the business phone number within a specific group.


  • Business phone: +49 12345678 – 1234

  • Fax number: +49 12345678 – 5 – 1234

In this case, the extension_prefix would be extension_prefix = "5".

If this functionality is not used, set extension_prefix = "".

Var13: add_countrycode

Datatype: bool
Default value: add_countrycode = false

Adds the country code to the detected fax number(s) of this group.




Adds the country code to the detected fax number of this group. The code detects whether an alphanumeric CSID or a numeric CSID/fax number is used. A country code is not added to alphanumeric CSIDs.

If a user has multiple fax numbers, each fax number will receive the country code (does not apply to C-numbers in forwarding scenarios).

In forwarding scenarios
A country code will only be added to the customer’s number (B-number). The Retarus number (C-number) is provided by Retarus and must remain complete, meaning it already contains the country code in Azure.

Fax numbers that do not already contain a country code can be written with or without a leading zero. If a leading zero is used, it will be removed, and the country code specified in Countrycode will be added.

The only hardcoded exception where the leading zero is retained is when the country code is Italy (39). In Italy, leading zeros are local prefixes that must not be removed, and the country code serves as a prefix for the entire stored number.


No country code is added to the group's mailbox fax number(s).

Var14: countrycode

Datatype: string

If this feature is required, enter a country code without "+" or "00" (e.g., "1" for the US or "49" for Germany). Do not add "+" or "00".


  • To add the country code "55":
    countrycode: "55"

  • To avoid adding a country code:
    countrycode: "" (not necessary if add_countrycode: false)

Fax numbers that do not already contain a country code can be written with or without a leading zero. If a leading zero is used, it will be removed, and the country code specified in Countrycode will be added.

The only hardcoded exception where the leading zero is retained is when the country code is Italy (39). In Italy, leading zeros are local prefixes that must not be removed, and the country code serves as a prefix for the entire stored number.

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