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The installation is done in several steps:

  • Check prerequisites.
    → Make sure that requirements in Prerequisites for using the PZD Real-Time Response are met.

If you are using Microsoft 365 Exchange Online and you are updating a previously installed older version (<1.3) of the PZD RTR

For Exchange Online, the Microsoft Graph API does not support moving emails to another user’s Inbox or any other folder. Therefore, if you created a rule in the past that uses the action to move an email to an administrator’s mailbox, change this rule prior to installing the latest version. If such a rule is executed afterward, instead of moving the email to the administrator’s mailbox, it will be moved to the recipient’s junk folder.

  • Execute the setup.
    → Follow the setup wizard to install the PZD Real-Time Response.

    • The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\retarus\PZD Real-Time Response.

    • During the setup, you have the option to “overwrite existing email templates”. This is only useful if you are installing the PZD Real-Time Response a second time and would like to overwrite any customized templates and no longer use them.

    • You also have the option to “start Windows Services Management console”. This is useful for step Start the Windows service below.

  • Start the console and configure the SIEM and Exchange connection, as well as the desired rules.

    • At first start, the Settings tab is opened and a new configuration file is created (if no existing configuration is found) including a default rule for moving infected emails to the user’s Junk folder.

    • On the Settings page, you may now already start configuring the PZD Real-Time Response as described in Settings. SIEM connectivity and Microsoft Exchange connectivity, as well as the desired rules for handling of malicious emails have to be configured (see Rules).

  • Start the Windows service.
    After having finished the setup and the configuration (settings, rules), you have to start the Windows service manually. (Afterwards, when saving a changed configuration, the service is normally restarted automatically.) In order to start the Windows service, you may use the green button in the upper right corner of the PZD Real-Time Response console (administrator permissions required) – or you may open the Windows Services Management console, find the RetarusPZDRealTimeResponse service in the list and start it.

  • Monitor the Windows service (optional but recommended).
    You may receive error messages concerning the PZD Real-Time Response via email (notification settings in the console). For sending out these notifications, your Exchange server is used. If the Exchange server itself is not available, these notifications are not sent. Therefore, we suggest to monitor the Windows service separately in addition to the email-based notifications, as critical errors are also logged there.

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